Save Red Hall Playing Fields

Keep Red Hall green

Time Is Running Out - We'll Help You Write (Again!)

Leeds City Council is still consulting on the Site Allocations Plan for the city, including allocation of the fields for housing.

… but there’s not long left!

You now have less than two weeks to respond.

Comments will only be accepted until 5pm on Monday November 16th.

The Council has focussed the subject of consultation on whether the plans are sound according to the four tests of soundness. So while you might want to (and should!) make general comments, the council wants you to focus on arguments that will carry weight in front of an inspector. The arguments can be technical.

Help is at hand, though. If you join us at Wellington Hill Residents’ Association on 10th November between 17:30 and 21:00 we’ll clue you in on how to object and help you write your response.